This Server crash has Made Facebook Unavailable Globally. All the Users Globally has faced the Problem. Below is the Screenshot of the error.
Thursday, June 19, 2014
Facebook down,
facebook down june 14,
fb down today,
Fb serverdown,
Tech News,
by Harsha Chowdary
1:48 AM
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Facebook Servers Down on 19th June 2014.
Facebook Servers have Gone down at 1:35PM IST. [Recovered] .Showing an Error Message "Sorry Something went wrong " error.
This Server crash has Made Facebook Unavailable Globally. All the Users Globally has faced the Problem. Below is the Screenshot of the error.
This Server crash has Made Facebook Unavailable Globally. All the Users Globally has faced the Problem. Below is the Screenshot of the error.
Facebook Servers Down on 19th June 2014.
Harsha Chowdary
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